How to contact Houzz


Houzz is one of the more unusual entries in the field of Architecture and Interior Design. Founded in 2009 by a duo of Architecture specialists, Adi Tatarko and Alon Cohen, the website has its headquarters in Palo Alto, California, United States. The website does not adhere to the standard rules followed by sites that offer Interior Design services, as it is as much a community of Architecture enthusiasts as it as an enterprise established for profit. Houzz is the dream of the founders brought to life, and as a result they are indeed very proud of it and do their best to keep the site running right.

With a user forum that grows in numbers steadily by the day, the Houzz platform allows the sharing and hosting of a wide range of multimedia, such as photos, article and product recommendations. The main purpose of the site is to offer advice in the fields of Architecture, Interior Design, Decorating, Landscape Design and other such services, and if one so chooses, they can acquire these directly from Houzz contractors. As it is a user forum, they have healthy communication with users and customers, and urge people to call the Houzz contact number.

Products and Services:-

Houzz offers the following services to its customers-

  • Kitchen contractors
  • Interior decorators
  • Landscape architects
  • Lighting designers
  • Home stagers
  • Lawn and sprinkler companies
  • Photographers
  • Design schools and organizations
  • Environmental services and restoration work


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