How to contact Zipcar


While there are many companies that operate with unique ideas and operating procedures, Zipcar is one of the truly unique ones. Primarily an American based company, Zipcar is best defined as a car sharing company, and is one of the largest members of the car rental industry that has been founded in more recent years. The company itself was founded in January 2000, in Cambridge Massachusetts by two pioneers of the car rental industry, Robin chase and Antje Danielson. Zipcar is a subsidiary of Avis Budget Group, and operates under its guidelines and the various standards along with its rules and regulations. Their main offered product is automobile reservations that it offers to its various client and members, which are billable by the minute, hour or day itself. Charges come in the form of a monthly or an annual membership fee along with the car reservation charges that one faces.

Zipcar, being a fairly large company, has its headquarters in Boston Massachusetts, and provides its various services throughout urban areas and college campuses found on the territories of Canada, Spain, France, the United Kingdom and Belgium along with the United States, and is quite famous in all of these areas.

Products and Services :-

Zipcar offers the following services to its customers-

  • Automobile Reservations
  • Fastfleet Service
  • Insurance


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