How to contact StubHub


StubHub is a San Francisco based popular ticket exchange company helping both people to buy and sell tickets of sports, movies, concerts and live entertainment events. Though StubHub was founded by Eric Baker and Jeff Fluhr in 2000, since 2007, eBay owns the company. It started its journey as a secondary- ticket selling and marketing establishment, but right now, It is accredited as the largest ticket marketplace not only in the US but across the world. Per records, in 2015, it experienced the footfall of nearly 16 million people visited the website for over 10 million live performances per month.

The business model was designed to support the information technology storm that we’re experiencing today. StubHub is the business that inspired many others across the globe for establishing similar online ticket marketplace. It made it easier for the buyers to get their electronic tickets or the mobile-tickets right away without rushing to the stadium or any given venue to buy tickets for any sports or entertainment program after waiting in the long queue for several hours. According to the latest records, StubHub is partnered with over 120 brands that are mainly associated with media, sports teams, entertainment venues, and channels.

Products and Services:-

StubHub offers the following services to its customers-

  • Tickets for sports, concerts, theatre, and entertainment events

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