How to contact Lifetouch


Lifetouch founded as National School Studios in 1936 by Eldon Rothgeb and Bruce Reinecker is an American based photography company. It provides photography for families, schools, places of worship. It has over 22,000 employees all over USA and Canada.

The company started during great depression when they raised $500 and started their own school photography. By 1946, NSS was one of the largest school photography firms in the country. During the next 10 years the model 10 camera introduced in 1957 remained standard for the next 20 years. On August 1, 1984, Erickson the then president announced a new name for the corporation Contact Lifetouch.

The company went into the acquisition of Shutterfly in 2018 in all cash value deal at $825 million. The company is into philanthropic activities. The Lifetouch Memory mission is to conduct an annual volunteer trip on humanitarian grounds to aid poverty-stricken and underprivileged communities all over the world.

Its initial venture came in 2000 was to war-ravaged Kosovo. Under this mission, it has since traveled to various countries and cities such as Appalachia, Jamaica, Navajo, Haiti, Dominican Republic, and were also at the forefront in assisting with Hurricane Katrina, and the floods in the Dakotas, fires that erupted in California and tornadoes across the Midwest. Lifetouch maintains around the clock assistance team that circulates pictures of missing children to the NCMEC within a matter of minutes. Till date, the company has been acknowledged with the safety and return of children in almost 23 states. Try and reach out at Contact Lifetouch number.

Products and Services :-

Lifetouch offers the following services to its customers-

  • Sports Photography
  • Prom and Dance
  • Media Productions
  • Commercial Printings
  • Family Potrait Studios
  • Groups and Special Events


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