How to contact Ancestry.Com


Ancestry.Com is an online private company. It was founded by Paul Brent Allen and Dan Taggart 35 years ago. Its headquarters are in Lehi, Utah. Margo Georgiadis is the leading CEO of the company and Howard Hochhauser is CFO or acting CEO of the company. Permira CMGI is the owner of They basically built historical and genealogical records of people. claimed of having 10 million historical records by the end of November 2018. They sold about 14 million DNA kits to their customers by the end of November 2018.

Their website is Their first publications were recorded in floppy discs. In the early period, Allen used to work for folio corporations. Folio corporations were his brother’s company. In 1994 info bases was named in the magazine of the fastest growing company. In January 1997 western standard publishing bought the ancestry, Inc. At that time ancestry Inc. was the publishing house of genealogy books and ancestry magazines. Basically, in 1997 Allen and Taggart purchased the shares of western standards ancestry Inc. From that period they took the company to new heights and started online genealogy services by collecting various historical data.

Products and Services –

Ancestry.Com offers the following services to its customers-

  • Newspapers
  • Find A Grave
  • Ancestry Institution
  • AncestryDNA
  • Professional Genealogists
  • Ancestry Academy
  • Roots Web


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