How to contact Adidas


Any professional sports event, by today’s protocol standards of every major body of authorized sports institutions and committees, cannot be held without professional sports equipment. Naturally, it is a niche market with a stable demand. Adidas has been the top player in this market, and as a sportswear manufacturer, it has held the highest rank in Europe for decades now. Although Adidas is, without a doubt, a huge brand name with a line of top quality products, it is not a single institution but rather a conglomerate of three major companies – Reebok (sprotswear), Taylormade (golf equipments), and Runtastic (Austrian fitness tech company that also shares 8% ownership stake at German top league football club Bayern Munich) – all of whom owe a part of the outstanding stock. The inception of Adidas was with Rudolf and Adolf Dassler’s 1924 shoemaker’s shop, which produced spiked shoes for athletic purposes. Then due to the strained relationship between the brothers, the shoe factory broke into two major sportswear factories, Adidas owned by Adolf, and Rudolf establishing Puma, which is also a major rival company to date. Althogh Adias specializes in athletic shoes and running shoes, it also produces a large range of apparel products related to athletic activities, including jackets, hoodies, and leggings for both men and women.

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Products and Services :-

Adidas offers the following services to its customers-

  • Skateboarding
  • Running
  • Lacrosse
  • Apparel
  • Sportswear
  • Basketball
  • Cricket
  • Golf





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