How to contact Alaska Airlines


Alaska Airlines was founded in 1932 and is a one of the major airline service that operates in United States. With its headquarter at the SeaTac, Washington, it is the fifth largest airlines of U. S when measured as per the size of the fleet, the total passengers who availed the services along with the number of destinations that they serve. The domestic route of air Alaska is quite large as it operates through a wide network, which mainly focuses on the cities which acts as a connector on the Western Coast of the United States to multiple destinations like Alaska, Canada, Hawaii, Costa Rica, Mexico etc. The regional services of the Alaska Airlines are operated by the carriers which are independent in nature, namely Horizon air along with its sister airline known as the SkyWest Airlines.
When Alaska Airlines was founded, it was known as McGee Airlines and it mainly offered flights in Anchorage, Alaska. But coming to the present situation, the airline service has barely any operations left in Alaska and most of its revenues generated from destination which is out of Alaska. The largest hub of the Airlines is at Tacoma International Airport located at Seattle along with other hubs that are located in Anchorage, Port Land, San Francisco and Los Angeles.

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Products and Services :-

Alaska Airlines offers the following services to its customers-

  • On-board meals and beverages
  • On-board entertainment
  • On-board Internet access
  • Lounge



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