How to contact Amc


A flagship property of the AMC network, the AMC channel was founded in 1st October 1984 and is one of most popular pay channel in United States. The types of program aired in this channel are the theatrically released films, but they have a very limited amount of original content for their channel. Previously, the name of the channel was “American Movie Classics”, but on 2002 they decided to change it to the smaller abbreviation because of the content that gets aired on the channel. The headquarter of the company is situated at New York City, New York.
Movies have always remained an integral part of AMC’s production schedule, but in the recent times, the company is trying to improve on their original contents which have gained a lot of attention. The first original content that was produced by the network was The Movie Masters and it ran for about an year between 1989 and 1990. And with TV shows like Mad Men that got aired in 2007 and Breaking Bad in 2008, AMC entered the league with HBO and Showtime and gained the reputation that were at par with these premium cable channels who have both rejected Mad men before it came to AMC.


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