How to contact Burger King


Burger King is an American global company of hamburgers and other fast food items that has its own restaurants. The company was founded in the year 1953 with its headquarters in Florida. They are famous for serving high quality, great taste, and affordable fast foods. This is the second largest hamburger chain in the world that offers good food by using premium quality ingredients, signature recipes along with family friendly meal experiences. These features have added to the success in the brand since 50 years. In 2010, 3G Capital purchased Burger King Corporation making it a private company.
This company holds on to its food quality standards to the crown level. They have varieties in their burgers that are prepared using real fire, patties with no fillers or preservatives, veggies that are freshly cut everyday and preparing every sandwich to maintain the best level of its taste. This is what they believe is the ‘crown standard’ for them. Also they use the best of buns and breads so that the prefect taste in their food is always maintained.  They also have a great sense of corporate responsibility by being in terms with energy savings and waste reduction. They thereby maintain a good business sense that will help them to manage risk and encourage customer and employee morale and satisfaction.

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Products and Services :-

Burger King offers the following services to its customers-

  • French toaststicks
  • Mini-muffins
  • Fried egg
  • MeatloafSpecialty Sandwich
  • Swiss cheese
  • Rodeo Cheeseburger


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