How to contact CenturyLink


CenturyLink Inc. is a telecommunications company, that offers communications and data services to residential, business, government, and wholesale customers. They are headquartered in Monroe, Louisiana.  Their services are available in 37 states. They provide IT, hosting, managed services, High-speed internet, TV and voice for homes and businesses.

The predecessor of CenturyLink was the Oak Ridge Telephone company from Louisiana. Oak Ridge was owned by F. E. Hogan, Sr. In 1930, this company was sold with 75 paid subscribers to William Clarke and Marie Williams for $500. In 1947, as a wedding gift, the ownership of the company was given to William’s son – Clarke McRae Williams. The company remained as a family-operated business until 1968, when it was transferred to being incorporated.

In November 1, 2017, CenturyLink and Level 3 Communications joined together to form one company. This joint venture was known as CenturyLink. It is the second largest U.S. communications provider to global enterprise customers. They have customers in more than 60 countries and they focus the most on customer experience.

Currently, CenturyLink provides services such as Hosting, Cloud and IT services, Network and Data systems management, Broadband, Voice, Data, Big Data Analytics, Consulting, Data and managed services.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

The following services are provided to customers through CenturyLink-

  • Internet Service
  • Residential Customers
  • Business Customers
  • DSL
  • Fiber Optic Internet Services





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