How to contact Children's Place


Founded in 1966, Children’s Place Inc. is a huge retailer chain that has almost 1100 stores in operation in both Canada and the United States. Even though the shop sells all sorts of goodies, odds, and trinkets, its primary merchandise is apparel for children. The company has changed hands several times in the last four decades, including Federated Department Stores, which owned the brand for a couple of years in the early 1980’s. The store even used to own over 350 Disney Stores in form of the Hoop Retail Stores subsidiary from 2004 to 2008, after which the rights were sold back, and Disney Stores again came online under the direct governance of Disney. The belt of stores also exist in Puerto Rico other than Canada and the US, and it also has 90 additional international stores operated in 12 different countries vis-à-vis franchise partners. Children’s Place Inc. normally divided their clothing merchnadize into six size-based groups – the average girls and boys’ size for children aged 4 to 16, the Toddler Size for both, and also clothes for newborn infants, under the age of a year. The store also has its own customer loyalty program, called MyPlace Rewards

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Children’s Place offers the following services to its customers-

  • Jackets & Outerwear
  • Active wear
  • Toddler Girl
  • Shoes
  • Accessories
  • Clearance



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