How to contact Constant


Constant Commerce is an e-commerce advertising company, working with the world’s leading organizations. Founded in 2012, Constant started its journey from Foodity for making online food content and advertisements shoppable. The huge client base is taken care of from the headquarters in London and regional offices in North America. They have more than a dozen technologies that merge together to deliver three prime solutions, which are a shoppable content manager, content aware advertiser and cloud list and coupons. They create highly impacting CGP & GM marketing technologies, and shopper ads. Constant is providing support to the world’s leading retailers by connecting them to the world’s largest audiences, brands and advertising campaigns. They help the brands to make their ads transactable and offer customers to save discounts to their personal device and attract customers focus. Various agencies trust Constant as their supporter for helping their clients and brands to get more benefit from the marketing costs. Now, they are excelling in vast categories of digital adverts and lifestyle content and making them captive and consistent with the instinctual customer experience and working with world-class brands like BBC, Walmart, P&G, YouTube and many more from all over the world.

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Products and Services:-

The following services are provided to customers through Constant-

  • Email Template Design Services
  • Integrated and Professional Marketing Services





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