How to contact Credit One Bank


Credit One Bank is a bank that is based in United States that mostly specializes in credit cards. Founded in 1984, the bank has its corporate headquarters at Las Vegas in Nevada. Serving almost more than 7 million customers all around the country and with revenue of about USD 465.53 million, Credit One Bank is a subsidiary company under the Sherman Financial Group, LLC.  Credit One Bank basically operates under the charter of the CEBA national bank and this charter mostly affects the lending and depositing functions of the bank. And as Credit One Bank is only engaged in activities that are related to credit card, hence they are involved in such types of bank charter.
The organization was previously known as First National Bank of Marin or FNBM at California, where it started its operations as a bank that provided all round services. They continued serving all the products until the year 1995, when they decided to shift their focus entirely to the credit card activities. The product line of the bank really narrowed down and the bank was moved from San Rafael to Las Vegas. Credit One Bank is also the founding member of the Los Vegas Knights for the National Hockey League in the inaugural season.


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