How to contact Cricket Wireless


Cricket Wireless LLC is one of the very largest contenders in the quite large and varied Wireless Telecommunications industry, which has been to include some of the finest, largest and most unique companies in the world. Over the years, since their founding, they have expanded and fought their way up the ladder, up to the point where they have become one of the very giants and behemoths of the industry, standing tall over the other companies.

On the topic of their founding, they were founded on March 17th, 1999, 19 years ago, a date that has since then become famous as the founding day of a great company. They were founded in Chicago, Illinois, by their parent company AT&T Inc., which in and of itself is quite a large corporation. Cricket Wireless provides a lot of services to its customers, such as mobile voice, text and data services, through their parent company’s nationwide network. They provide their services to the entire United States, with John Dwyer as their company President.

Over their years of service, they have been known as a company that listens to the suggestions and comments of its customers and clients.”

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Products and Services :-

Cricket Wireless offers the following services to its customers-

  • myCricket App
  • Cricket Wi-Fi Manager
  • Manage My Voicemail
  • Cricket Wi-Fi Calling
  • HD Voice
  • Wireless Emergency Alerts


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