How to contact DoorDash


This is a short introduction to DoorDash Inc., along with some of their main founding history.

DoorDash has grown exponentially and hugely since its founding in 2013, now becoming one of the very largest behemoths of the entire logistics industry. Their swift rise to glory almost overnight has been the topic of much discussion and speculation in the logistics industry but has been noted for its main, key feature: the efficiency of the company at its job.

DoorDash is one of several successful companies that have been backed by famous seed accelerator, Y Combinator. While they have been responsible for backing some very famous companies, DoorDash has undoubtedly been one of their core successes. DoorDash itself was founded by 4 people in June 2013: Andy Fang, Tony Xu, Stanley Tang along with Evan Moore. They follow one particular trend that has rapidly captured the attention of the logistics industry: using advanced logistics services to deliver food from restaurants on-demand to different parts of a city, far and wide.

It was launched in the fairly exotic city of Palo Alto, but has, since its founding, expanded to most of the world’s markets, namely more than 56 markets spread out over a vast expanse of more than 600 cities, across the whole of the Continent of North America.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

DoorDash offers the following services to its customers-

  • Logistics services to offer food delivery from restaurants on-demand.

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