How to contact Duke Energy


Duke Energy is a renowned electric power holding company based on North Carolina, USA.  Found in 1904, Duke Energy has a customer base of approx. 7.2 million in the count and distributes power being an owner of a 58,200-megawatt base load. Duke Energy has its services over a widespread area covering a length of 1104,000 sq miles. Duke Energy started its success journey at 1900 being named as the Catawba power company rising up a hydroelectric power station at South Carolina. Investing their funds in similar power companies, the founder Dr. Walker Gill Wylie slowly marched towards making his ambitious project a reality.
By March 2016, Duke Energy announced the setting up of a nuclear power plant at South Carolina joining hands with the southern company. So far till date, Duke Energy owns a considerable number of power plants in various spots around the globe. Duke Energy owns power plants based on Nuclear energy, Coal fire energy, Oil and Gas fired energy, hydroelectric power, solar farms, wind farms etc. By 2018, Duke Energy decided not to count up new power plants in its wide range plans. This firm is still improvising itself already being a financially successful mammoth in the sector of electric power holding around the globe.

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Products and Services :-

Duke Energy offers the following services to its customers-

  • Electrical Infrastructure
  • Electricity Generation
  • Transmission
  • Distribution
  • Natural Gas
  • Backup Power Systems
  • Energy Management
  • Federal Agencies


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