How to contact Etsy


This will serve as an introduction to Etsy, and a review of its founding history, and an overview of the services they provide to the masses.

Etsy is one of the world’s leading E-Commerce websites that are focused on items that are not of a regular, common nature. These items can be just about anything, of any nature, that one can think of, as the list of items that one is allowed to sell on Etsy includes both factory manufactured and handmade items, finished product and basic craft supplies, both valuable art, and novice art, photography services and photographs of beautiful or rare vistas, along with many other items that can fall into one of many wide and varied categories.

But one thing must be common in all the vintage items sold on Etsy: all items termed vintage items must be aged at least 20 years, if not more. The site itself believes in the basic values of freedom and facilitating an open-ended approach to commerce, allowing both sellers and buyers a level and the amount of freedom that is rarely seen between Producers and Consumers on E-commerce websites.

The website itself has existed for over 10 years now, as it was launched in 2005. It was launched by a company called iospace, a very small enterprise, that mainly consisted of key members Robert Kalin, Haim Schoppik and Chris Maguire. The first version of the website took a short 2 and a half months to build and form.

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Products and Services:-

Etsy offers the following services to its customers-

  • Gifts
  • Jewelry & Accessories
  • Clothing & Shoes
  • Home & Living
  • Wedding & Party
  • Toys & Entertainment

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