How to contact Eversource


Eversource energy is one of the largest contenders in the entire utilities field, and is a public company, which means that its stocks are traded at the New York stock exchange. The company was formerly known as Northeast Utilities, and is currently a member of the Fortune 500 Energy Company list, which proves beyond doubt that they are one of the largest and most influential contenders in the field. Eversource was founded in 1966, quite a long time ago, and has several headquarters, with the two main operating headquarters being in Hartford, Connecticut and Boston, Massachusetts, and conducts its operations mainly through several regulates subsidiaries, offering several products such as retail electricity, natural gas quantities and drinking water services to large parts of both Massachusetts and New Hampshire. Being a large company, Eversource’s customer base spans more than 4 million customers, and currently has more than 8000 individuals under employment in the various generation plants, offices, branches, buildings and other such locations. If one has any doubts, comments, suggestions or feedback they can contact them at their website.

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Products and Services :-

Eversource offers the following services to its customers-

  • Retail Electricity
  • Natural Gas Service
  • Water Service



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