How to contact Expedia


This is meant to serve as an introduction to the Expedia travel booking website, and an overview of their founding history. is one of the world’s most famous and reputed travel booking websites.  Since its founding, it has become exponentially popular as it offers its excellent services to a large chunk of the earth’s population.

The website can be used primarily for the purposes of booking airline tickets, car rentals, cruises and vacation packages along with many other similar services. It has been active for a long time indeed as it has been active for 17 years and counting now. The Expedia website is owned by the Expedia group, with their headquarters in the prime spot in downtown Bellevue, Washington. The Expedia group was founded on October 22nd, 1996, 22 years ago as a remote branch of Microsoft.

It later became a public company with Rich Barton as CEO. In June 2014 Expedia followed the trend which has rapidly captured the E-commerce market and started accepting Bitcoins as a type of digital currency. Since the founding of the Expedia website 17 years ago, Expedia has offered its excellent services to citizens around the World, providing them with a level of convenience rarely seen in most of the travel booking websites. The Expedia group itself occupies 16 floors of the of the 20-floor building in Downtown Bellevue Washington.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

  • Travel Booking Service


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