How to contact FedEx


This is meant to be an introduction to FedEx Corp., and a review of their founding, along with the services they offer. The FedEx corporation is certainly one of America’s largest corporations. Since they have been founded, FedEx has maintained the title of being one of the best courier services in the whole world, as the quality of the service certainly cannot be recommended or otherwise insulted in any way. They pride themselves on their discretion, efficiency swiftness and all total trustworthiness, as each and every FedEx courier prices the packages he carries almost as much as his own life.

That could have been an overstatement, but it is no doubt true that FedEx tries their best to protect and deliver the packages in the care safely. The company was originally founded in 1971, with the name Federal Express Corporation, in the town of Little Rock Arkansas. The company was founded by renowned businessman and a pioneer in the field of logistics and safe delivery, Frederick W. Smith. Nowadays, the company has shortened their name down to FedEx Corporation, and has their company headquarters in the town of Memphis Tennessee.

FedEx uses a unique system to divide their operational units. They have many of these operational units that are working day and night to deliver both mail and packages to all over America. Some of the prominent operational units are FedEx Ground, FedEx smart post and lastly FedEx Express.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

FedEx offers the following services to its customers-

  • Post delivery
  • Express mail
  • Freight forwarding
  • Third-party logistics

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