How to contact Fidelity


This is a short introduction to Fidelity investments, and a review of their founding and rendered services.

Fidelity Investments Inc. is one of America’s largest providers of efficient Financial Services. They are a multinational corporation that have been providing efficient financial services and swift financial solutions to the citizens of the world for more than 50 years and thus have a lot of experience, along with being positive veterans of the battleground known as the financial services industry. Fidelity Investments is often called just Fidelity. Fidelity has their headquarters in Boston, Massachusetts. According to a survey recently taken, Fidelity Investments is the fourth largest asset manager in the world.

One can comprehend the true gigantic size of Fidelity Investments when they consider the fact that as of March 2018, Fidelity Investments hold a total of assets worth 2.5 trillion dollars. Fidelity offers a lot of services to its customers and clients including some main ones such as their own brokerage firm, managing connected Mutual Funds, providing fund distribution and advice for investment. They also provide retirement services for the elderly, so that they can live the latter part of their life in relative peace.

The company was first founded in the year 1946 by Edward C Johnson II, with the initial beginning name of Fidelity Management and Research. In 1984 after, many business deals and propositions, Fidelity started offering to the masses computerized stock trading.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

  • Financial Services and Solutions
  • Investment Solutions

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