How to contact Fmcsa


Although news of this flies relatively under the radar as mainstream news media gravitates more and more towards coverage of other issues – be it crime rates or political turmoil, trucking accidents in US has quite startling statistics. Around 500000 trucking accidents occur each year in the country, leaving on average 5000 victims injured or dead – and rounded off, these figures mean that every 15 minute there is a serious accident happening somewhere involving big rig trucks. It is the crucial duty of FMCSA to address this exact issue. They are a governmental agency established under the decisions made by the U.S. Department of Transportation in January 2000, as a follow-up to the 1999 Motor Carrier Safety Improvement Act. FMCSA stands for Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, and its tasks entail exactly what the name declares on the outset: to reduce crashes, injuries, and fatalities involving semi-trucks or tractor-trailers. Their primary measures to ensure this involves, firstly, laying down a comprehensive regulations and rules on motor carriers of large size – trucks and buses mostly – that is data-driven and aims to strike the right balance between safety and efficiency. Other than this, it is also their task to enforce these regulations on vehicles that carry higher risks, and convey the regulations and safety information to the commercial drivers and the public.

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Products and Services :-

Fmcsa offers the following services to its customers-

  • International Safety
  • Hazardous Materials Safety
  • Driver Safety
  • Carrier Safety
  • Bicyclist and Pedestrian Safety


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