How to contact FPL


This is a short introduction to the FPL, along with an overview of their founding.

The Florida Power and Light Company is one of the largest power companies in the whole of the United States. They are famous and quite reputed for the fact that among all the power companies in the US, they are the ones with the absolute least number of outages and other kinds of accidents. This is because of one thing only- the fact that the FPL is one of the most vigilant power companies and keep a constant eye on all their operations to check that the network runs smoothly.

The Florida Power and Light Company is, according to a quite recent review of power companies in the US, the third largest electric utility company in the whole of the US. It has one of the widest and far-reaching customer bases ever, as they provide power and electric facilities to over a whopping amount of 10 million people in the U.S. They have succeeded where many others failed, and have successfully considerably lowered Florida’s annual power consumption.

FPL is a subsidiary of NextEra Energy, Inc., which is a clean energy company that works to preserve fuel and install clean energy systems. FPL is truly a huge company, as can be seen by the fact that they hire over 8,500 employees.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

FPL! offers the following to customers-

  • Power
  • Light
  • FPL Port Everglades Next Gen Clean Energy Centre


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