How to contact Global Tel Link


Previously known as Global Telcoin, Inc. Global Tel Link was founded in 1980 with its headquarters at Reston in Virginia. Their main services include Inmate calling with correctional facilities through information technology solutions that is integrated in nature. The correctional facilities include payments and deposits of inmates along with visitation solutions and facility management. The company changed its name from Global Telcoin to Global Tel Link in 1999. Private equity firms like Goldman Sachs and Veritas Capital purchased the company from Gores Equity LLC for around USD 345 million and in the year 2011, the company got sold for around USD 1 billion. The company together with its similar entities like Securus Technology  has been criticized at multiple platforms for charging high prices in their communication business mainly because of their monopolistic nature  of the services that works for individuals who are incarcerated, even the Federal Communications Commission has tried multiple times to put on a price ceiling but that got failed. The cost of the calls from this communication provider was around USD 17.30 for every 15 minutes. However the company claimed that they had to maintain the high prices in order to ensure that every call was under strict monitoring.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Global Tel Link offers the following services to its customers-

  • Inmate Call Service
  • Inmate Telephone Service



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