How to contact Hotwire


While certainly not a behemoth of the Hotel Booking industry, is still one of the largest companies one will find on the map of companies that offer hotel Booking services. Founded in 2000 by some of the pioneers of the Travel Arrangements field, such as Karl Peterson, Gregg Brockway, and others, with the help of many big and famous airlines such as American Airlines, Northwest Airlines, United Airlines and Continental Airlines, this company has faced exponential growth in the last 10 years. The company is headquartered in San Francisco, North Carolina, and is an operating company of the large and famous Expedia Group, one of the world’s largest Travel Technology companies. Hotel Booking is not the only service they offer, as they also sell unsold travel inventory, something that enterprises like Hotels and Motels (unoccupied hotel rooms), Car Rental companies (unsold rental cars) and Airlines (obviously airline seats) quite often are left with, at a discounted price to various kinds of customers and companies.

Hotwire has always been a company that remains in quite frequent, healthy and thorough communication with its customers, and urges anybody with queries, questions, doubts, remarks or even complaints to call the Hotwire contact number.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Hotwire offers the following services to its customers-

  • Hotel rooms
  • Airlines seats
  • Rental cars


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