How to contact HTC


One of the largest companies there are in the field of Consumer Electronics Manufacturing, the HTC Corporation is famous all over the world. Primarily a Taiwan based company, the HTC Group has its headquarters in the Xindian District, New Taipei City, Taiwan. It was founded on 15 May, 1997, 21 years ago, and had their primary focus as the design and manufacture of laptop computers, as opposed to their current focus of mobile phones. The company is certainly one of the largest and most producing manufacturers there are in the field, as not only do they accept manufacturing contracts from many famous companies around the world, they also have many of their own mobile phone series, with several installments in all of them.

After several successful series of mobile phones that garnered them much fame on the international market, they became one of the companies that worked towards the advancement of the now iconic Android OS, as the first mobile phone to run the Android OS, the contact HTC Dream, was manufactured by them. Always a company that has listened to the suggestions of customers, they urge anybody with remarks or complaints to immediately call the commonly found HTC Contact number.

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Product Services:-

Htc offers the following services to its customers-

  • Application Maintenance
  • Mobile application
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Digital Transformation
  • Data management and analytics
  • Enterprise Resource planning


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