How to contact Jcpenney


J.C.Penney Company Inc. is one of the very largest department store chains in the world. Primarily an America based company, they were founded on April 14, 1902, 116 years ago, in Kemmerer, Wyoming, US, by James Cash Penney, one of the then leading entrepreneurs in the newly emerging world that was centered around commerce and trade. J.C.Penney stores are department stores, and are spread out all over the United States, with them having registered locations in more than 860 locations in the 50 American States, with the addition of some locations in Puerto Rico. Besides selling merchandise, their stores often lease out space to other companies and departments such as salons, auto centers, portrait studios, and so on. The company is also an Internet retailer.

One of the figures that speaks the most about their sheer size and enormity is that fact that they employ 98,000 all over the US, at their many locations, branches, outposts and other locations. Always a company that has listened to the remarks and suggestions of its customers, they urge anybody with any sort of remarks, complaints, doubts, questions, queries, complaints or general remarks to immediately call the quite commonly found J.C.Penney contact number.

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Product Services:-

Jcpenney offers the following services to its customers-

  • The Wedding Registry
  • Teleflora
  • Sephora
  • Jcpenney Optical
  • Jcpenney Cares
  • Jcpenney Home Services

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