How to contact Jpay


JPay is one of the largest entries there are in the Inmate Video Visitation industry and is a quite significant entry in other industries like Financial Services. The company itself was founded back in 2002, and primarily makes their profits/ provides their services by receiving contracts from prison administration. Most of their contracts come from popular prison administration departments and services, such as the United States Department of Correction, County Jails that are administered by the respective authority of the county, and other privately-owned prisons. JPay receives contracts to provide all sorts new, refined and useful technology and services to these prisons. Services rendered to any particular prison can include services such as financial ones like money transfer, online ones like email and E-call and video visitation, along with the payment of parole, bail, and probation payments, and have rendered these services to more than a million prison inmates worldwide.

Always a company that has urged the contracting prison authorities to suggest new features they would like added to the plethora, they urge anybody with remarks, doubts, questions, queries, suggestions, complaints, praises or even suggestions to immediately pick up the phone and call the commonly seen JPay contact number.

Table of Contents

Product Services:-

Jpay offers the following services to its customers-

  • Money Transfer
  •  Communications and Inmate Devices
  •  Parole and Probation Payments
  • Charitable donations

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