How to contact Kayak


The Kaiser Permatente is one of the very largest Healthcare consortiums there are in the entire world. Primarily an America based company, , the Kaiser Permantente was founded by Henry J. Kaiser, one of the most legendary American Industrialists, and his associate, Sidney R. Garfield. The consortium defines itself as a Consortium composed of both for-profit and non-profit entities and is mainly composed of The Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc., along with its regional subsidiaries; the Kaiser Hospital chain’ and the regional Permantente Medical Groups. The consortium is very large, as they operate in more than eight different states- California, Colorado, Columbia, Georgia, Hawaii, Maryland, Oregon, Virginia and Washington DC.

One of the figures that speak the most about the sheer size of the consortium is the fact that they have more than 220,000 employees, with about 21,000 of them being licensed and actively practicing physicians, 54,000 being various nurses. They more than 35 different medical centers, with 720 medical facilities. Always a company that has values the input of its customers, they urge anybody with any sort of remarks, complaints, praises, questions, queries, doubts or remarks to pick up the phone and immediately call the common Kaiser Permatente contact number.

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Product Services:-

Kayak offers the following services to its customers-

  • Flights booking
  • Car rental
  • Hotel booking


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