How to contact LabCorp


LabCorp is the common name of the Laboratory Corporation of America which is based in Burlington, North Carolina in USA. LabCorp was founded on 5 September 1978 as Roche Biomedical by Revlon Healthcare Group. In its initial days, LabCorp was managed by Michael E. Lillig who left the company after a service of seven years. In the year 1995, Roche Biomedical merged with another key company in the Healthcare sector of USA, National Health Laboratory Holdings and together they came to be known as Laboratory Corporation of America or simply LabCorp. LabCorp has a huge network of 36 primary laboratories across the globe, and is estimated to conduct around 2.5 million lab tests every week. LabCorp provides a variety of tests at its laboratories and the major tests include oncology testing, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) testing and real time PCR microbial testing. LabCorp has advocated the use of PCR technology for microbial testing since its initial days and now operates the National Genetics Institute in Los Angeles, California where its scientists carry out research on PCR testing methods. LabCorp is a reputed company in USA and also provides testing facilities in parts of Canada and Puerto Rico. It is listed on New York Stock Exchange. It has estimated assets worth 15 million dollars.


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Products and Services:-

LabCorp offers the following to customers-

  • Center for Esoteric Testing
  • Center for Molecular Biology and Pathology



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