How to contact Lenovo


Lenovo Group Ltd., often shortened down to just Lenovo, is one of the most magnificent giants of the Computer Hardware and Electronics industry, and has, since its founding, grown to be one of the very largest of the many companies which operate in this industry. Primarily a China-based company, their main focus is the designing, developing, manufacturing and selling of a quite extensive and varied range of electronics, such as personal computers, tablet computers, smartphones, workstations, servers, electronic storage devices, and others. They were founded on 1 November 1984, and since then has only experienced massive growth, in both popularity and bare size, as they are one of the largest electronics companies.

The company has its headquarters in the Haidian District of Beijing, China, along with US operating headquarters located in Morrisville, North Carolina, US. While Lenovo operates in more than a stunning number of 60 countries, their products are sold to over 160 countries, making the company with one of the broadest service areas in the world. Always a company that respected and appreciated the opinions and comments of its customers, they urge anybody with comments, doubts, questions, queries, complaints or compliments to call the Lenovo contact number immediately.

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Product Services:-

Lenovo offers the following services to its customers-

  • Smart televisions
  • Smart phones
  • Idea Pad
  • Think Station
  • Think Pad
  • Think Server
  • Weara bles
  • Think pad
  • Lenovo X1

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