How to contact Mediacid


Medicaid was established in the year 1965 and is one of the largest publicly financed program that offers health as well as long-term care coverage for a specific group of peoples like low-income people all over the United States. It is authorised under title XIX of the social security act and is financed jointly by the state and the federal government. It is basically means tested individual and state entitlement program,

The states have full freedom to set designs and manage their Medicaid programs. For instance, the state has full freedom to decide the limit of service they want to provide. The federal government has set 25 broad categories for coverage by Medicaid that is children, pregnant women, adults with dependent children, disable individual and elderly persons. Some of all of the services covered by Medicaid are inpatient and outpatient hospital services, physician, midwife and nurse practicing services, all services in nursing home for people age 21 or more, pregnancy-related services, laboratory and x-ray services, family planning services, health care centre and rural health clinic service provided the health care has been qualified by federal government.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Mediacid offers the following services to customers-

  • Insurance
  • Health Insurance
  • Nursing Home Care
  • Personal Care Services


Area Covered

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