How to contact Metro PCS


Metro Pcs is one of the best wireless telecommunication carriers that provides wireless broadband mobile services in the whole United States. Formerly it was called GWI PCS and then changed its name to Metro PCS. Its main services include voice services that help customers in placing voice calls, receiving voice calls from any kind of telephone service in the whole world that includes local, long distance as well as international calls. Some of its other services include text and multimedia messaging services, ringtones, games and content applications, mobile internet browsing, custom calling features, call waiting, caller ID recognition and many more. Moreover, it also sells mobile handsets. All its services, as well as products, are sold under the brand name MetroPCS, either through retail stores operated by the company or independent retail outlets. It also sells its services and products through online mode.

Since May 1, 2013, MetroPCS has merged with T mobile, and it offers services in cities like Texas, Florida, New York, Lousiana, Georgia. Michigan and many more major cities. It serves both businesses as well as individuals.

Products and Services:-

Metro PCS offers the following services to customers-

  • Google One 2TB
  • Google One 2TB
  • Handset Protection






Area Covered

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