How to contact National Grid


The national grid is one of the electricity and gas utility multinational company with its main headquarter at Warwick, United Kingdom. It was incorporated in the year 2000. It mainly functions in the United Kingdom and northeastern united states. In the London stock exchange, it has a primary listing, and in the FTSE 100 index, it is a constituent. In New York stock exchange it has the secondary listing. The assets it handles includes more than 170 km of underground cable, 490 transmission substations and 690 distribution substations. In the northeastern United States, it has a wide presence where it owns and operates the gas distribution networks.

It is highly committed to providing the safest and reliable energy to its consumers as well as communities. Because of its service, it has successfully become one of the biggest investors retained energy company in the whole world.

Clean energy greatly supports our world in having a bright future and at present that is the biggest challenge our society is facing. National grid delivers clean energy to its communities. They work with stakeholders with much dedication for endorsing the growth and execution of justifiable, innovative and reasonable energy solutions. At present, the company estimates plans for and acquires over 20 billion standard cubic meters of gas each year.


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