How to contact Netflix


Netflix is an American media service provider that was found in the year 1997. Its main headquarter is in Los Gatos, California. Its main business is subscription dependent streaming media service that provides online streaming of a vast number of films as well as television programs, including its own production. It offers all its services in three divisions that is international streaming, domestic DVD and domestic streaming. It also provides the DVDs through mail membership services.

As of the recent update, Netflix has over 137 million subscribers all over the world, with 58.46 million only in the United States. Its own production house was started in the year 2011, and till now it has released several films and series. Its main aim is to offer all kinds of the population the show they want to watch. With its recent feature that allows the user to download the show and watch it offline, has enhanced its demand over the recent years. It offers faster menu scrolling, which helps customers to scroll the menu faster and encoding the content is also easy in the phone where the internet can be spotty. These upgrades have helped Netflix in standing out from its major competitors like Amazon Prime and many more.

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Products and Services:-

Netflix offers the following services to customers-

  • Movies
  • TV Shows
  • Documentary
  • TV Specials


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