How to contact Optimum


Altice USA, founded in June 21st, 2016 headquartered in the Long Island NY, United States, operates the brand Optimum- earned its popularity as a promising cable television provider along with myriad services including phone and internet connections to around 4.9 million consumers across 21 states. It has been mentioned in a popular website that by the second quarter of 2018, they will rename all the brands such as Optimum and Suddenlink into Altice.

Over the past two years, along with its combined brands, Altice USA has successfully become the 4th largest cable connection provider across the United States. The majority of their consumers are residing across New York, the tri-state area and quite a few mid-western and southern states.

So far, the company has remained successful in attracting more customers by offering affordable cable TV packages. Users can choose and pick the chosen packages from their websites by using their given credentials to logging in. They have also earned the goodwill for ensuring high-speed WI-FI connections along with offering lucrative telephone services.

In the brand name Optimum, Altice USA sells DOCSIS Internet service, Voice over IP (VoIP) telephone service and the digital cable service. Even after facing certain disputes and complaints, Optimum is going strong in maintaining the trust.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Optimum offers the following services to customers-

  • Altice One
  • Optimum Voice



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