How to contact Planet Fitness


Planet Fitness is one of the leading franchises that are centred around fitness centres. It was founded in 1996, by Michael and Marc Grondahl, and originally being an American franchise that operated fitness centres in the vicinity of Hampton, New Jersey, this franchise has really grown into its own, as it now reports that the once small franchise now has more than 1,600 clubs all across the U.S.A, and is potentially the largest U.S based fitness club centre franchises in the entire country, when judged by number of registered members and locations served. One will find their excellent fitness clubs not only in the U.S.A, but also in countries surrounding the Unites States, such as Canada, Dominican Republic, Panama and finally, Mexico.

Describing itself as a fitness club franchise that is designed to help those who are either complete novices or intermediate beginners to fitness clubs, Planet Fitness has turned out to be the fastest growing fitness club franchise in the nation. Chris Rondeau serves as the CEO of this large and sprawling franchise, keeping the company together with his adamant leadership, and anybody who has any remarks is urged to call the Planet Fitness contact number.

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Product Services:-

Planet Fitness offers the following services to its customers-

  • Exercising
  • Aerobics
  • Body Shaping
  • Weight Gain
  • Weight Loss


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