How to contact Priceline


Priceline is a USA based company that runs a highly successful commercial website. Here travellers easily get discount on airline tickets and hotel accommodation, etc. while travelling somewhere. A company called Booking Holdings owns it. From its suppliers, the company facilitates travel services provision from the suppliers across the country and then provides it to the customers across the world.

Priceline’s HQ is in Connecticut, USA and Brett Keller is the current CEO. The company had started ‘Name Your Own Price’ promotional campaign. Under this travellers had the option to name their airline’s ticket prices, car rentals, hotel room prices, vacation package prices, etc. The portal allows passengers to select their location, service range, prices, etc. the details are out only when they complete the transaction and do not intend to cancel it.

The difference between the price that customer suggests and how much the service provider charges – that is the Priceline’s profit. In recent times, the portal has introduced a new option called Express Deal (another model of the transaction) in which travellers are shown prices but not the service provider details. From the year 2002, the company started listing their services on eBay and various other travel portals. Apart from this, they have also invested in travel start-ups of different companies.

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Products and Services:-

Priceline offers the following services to its customers:-

  • Hotel Express Deals™
  • Name Your Own Price®
  • Hotels
  • Cars
  • Flights
  • Packages
  • Cruises
  • Priceline Rewards™ Visa® Card


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