How to contact Rheem


Rheem Manufacturing Company is a fairly large American company that is a welcome addition to the Plumbing and Heating industry. Rheem is a private company, which means their stock is not traded at the New York Stock Exchange. They mainly deal with the production of large quantities of water heaters, boilers, along with heating, ventilating and air conditioning systems and equipment. Rheem, as a fairly large company, employs more than 7000 employees for its workforce, and also sells products under the brand name Ruud, though Rheem is much more famous and easily recognizable.

The company was founded under the name Rheem by Richard and Donald Rheem along with Edwin Rudd who was responsible for founding the Ruud line of products and was started in 1925 as a simple supplier of packaging to the petroleum industry. The company has its headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and have branches and stores in other countries such as Argentina, Australia, Bahran, China, Brazil and Canada. Rheem is a company that has always been very vocal and interactive with its consumers and urges any consumer or customer with any sort of queries, questions

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Products and Services:-

Rheem offers the following services to its customers-

  • Gas furnaces
  • Oil fired furnaces
  • Heat pumps
  • Thermostats
  • Air handlers
  • Package units
  • Indoor air quality

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