How to contact SCE


The South Carolina Electric and Gas Company (SCE & G) is one of the leading subsidiaries of the nationwide power company, SCANA. SCE & G is probably one of the nation’s oldest surviving power companies, as it can trace its stunning history all the way back to 1846 and the Charleston Gas Light Company. Officially, records of the company exist back to 1924, and the Broad River Power Company. Both of the companies mentioned were earlier predecessors of the SCE&G and helped make the company into what it is today.

On the topic of what the SCE & G is today, it is quite frankly one of the most reputable power companies in the entire US. It describes itself as a public utility that is engaged in the tireless generation, flawless transmission, effective distribution and ethical sale of electricity to more than 600,000 customers over a territory of 17,000 square miles, a customer base large enough to make anybody swoon. The company also participates in the purchase and sale of natural gas, at retail prices, to more than 300,000 customers covering 22,000 square miles. For the sake of being active, communicative and thorough, they insist anybody with questions, queries or doubts call the SCCE&G contact number.

Table of Contents

Products and Services:-

Sce offers the following services to its customers-

  • Billing & Payments
  • Moving & Turning Service On/Off
  • Outages
  • Summer Discount Plan
  • Solar Power
  • Energy Use


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