How to contact Sony


Sony is the leading Japenese multinational corporation that owns the largest music entertainment business in the entire world. Headquartered in Tokyo, it offers a set of diversified services in different segments such as gaming, entertainment, finance and electronics. It is the leading manufacturer of electronic products in the entire world and is also a popular face in the film and television industry. It is the parent company and business unit of the Sony Group. It is the fifth largest manufacturer of television in the world and has also bagged the title of semiconductor sales leader. It is known to be one of the most popular entertainment and music companies in the world and has been ranked 97th in the list of the Fortune Global 500 list 2018.

It is also known as the second largest global music recording company and has purchased CBS record group in 1988. From financial services to mobile payments, entertainment and electronic segment It is multiplayer in the major business front. Through the pursuit of relentless innovation, It is creating new experiences and cultural myriads. The current slogan of Sony is Be Moved which inspires you to move ahead to experience the best that this world is offering to you. Move into the world of innovation and best experiences with Sony.

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Products and Services:-

Sony offers the following services to its customers-

  • Consumer electronics
  • Semiconductors
  • Video games
  • Films
  • Television programs
  • Music
  • Computer hardware
  • Telecommunications equipment
  • Financial services
  • Insurance
  • Banking
  • Credit finance
  • Advertising agency
  • Network services


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