How to contact Spotify


Spotify is a popular and unmatched digital music streaming platform that gives you the option to have access to millions of songs. This music service was developed by a Swedish company which is headquartered in Stockholm. From the latest hits to medley and old favourites you can scroll through its huge gallery and hit the play button to stream the song of your choice. The best thing about this platform is that it provides uninterrupted ad-free musical experience. You can even download your favourite song and play it offline whenever you’re free.

Its splendid sound quality will keep you addicted to the tunes of the song, and you’ll stream it wherever you’re on your mobile, laptop or TV. This service was launched on October 7, 2018, and currently, this service is available in more than 65 regions. You can record labels as it provides DRM protected content and gives you the access to listen to more than forty million songs. It operates under a freemium model of business strategy and generates revenue by selling a premium quality streaming subscription to third parties and users. The company has also gone ahead and launched a new website “Spotify for Artists” in December 2013. It gets its content from independent artists and major record labels. Users can purchase the tracks from Spotify which partners with 7 digital.


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