How to contact Starbucks


Starbucks coffee shops are a place for conversation and a sense of community. But let’s delve deeper to get to know more about this company. This coffee shop company took birth in the year 1971 which was just a single store in Seattle. When taken in the hands of Howard Schultz, the Starbucks President and CEO, it nurtured further under his business plans of making is the finest café for selling the world’s best fresh roasted whole bean coffees. It has now more than 75 stores worldwide and is the best retailer of specialty coffee in the world.

The main mission is to inspire and bring forth the human spirit with the best quality of coffee. This is the prime principle they have been thriving on since years and that is why they were, are and will always be the best coffee retailers. They try developing a good human connection with their perfectly made beverage. They are also involved in a committed role of environmental leadership to develop innovative solutions to keep up with the changes of the world, make incessant efforts to use and sell environmentally friendly products and also instil the value of environment responsibility in all. To get to know this company in a closer perspective, connect to STARBUCKS contact number: 18602660010

Table of Contents

Product Services:-

Starbucks offers the following services to its customers-

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Coffee Capsules
  • Flavourings


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