How to contact State Farm


This company was started by George Jacob Mecherle in the year 1922 and was initially just a single auto insurance company. Presently, State Farm is the first and the best choice in the products and services that they provide. They presently offer a round 100 products and services in five different lines of their business. This company is also known to be the leader in enforcing auto safety measures where they brought up the issue for the enforcement of wearing seat belts laws and teen driving safety.

A number of communities have been helped by State Farm to prevent or reduce their injury from the losses faced due to accidents. They support programs that help to enforce home ownership, create safe neighbourhoods and safe homes and highways. With around 39000 claims per day, they prove their best commitments to their policy holders and always strive to give the best to the community. The other features of this company are the provision of banking solutions. They help to manage the customer’s money by giving them personal checking accounts that need no minimum balance requirements or any kind of monthly fees. Easy mobile banking also makes them have customers run for their banking and loan facilities. In a nut shell, State Farm provides all kinds of banking solutions, vehicle loans, credit cards, emergency road service and home loans for a million of customers of the US state.

Table of Contents

Product Services:-

State Farm offers the following services to its customers-

  • Insurance Service
  • Financial Services

Area Covered

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