How to contact Synchrony


Synchrony Bank is a wholly owned subsidiary of Synchrony Financial, consumer financial services company. Headquartered in Stamford, Connecticut, United States, Synchrony offers consumer financing products, including credit, promotional financing and loyalty programs, instalment lending, and FDIC insured savings products.

Synchrony Bank is the largest provider of private label credit cards in the United States. The company provides private label credit cards for top  US brands – Amazon, Cathay Pacific, CheapOAir, OneTravel, Walmart, Lowe’s, Guitar Center, Gap, BP, Ashley HomeStores, Discount Tire, J.C. Penney, and P. C. Richard & Son. It also offers an exclusive credit card – ‘CareCredit’ for healthcare services such as dental, veterinary, cosmetic, vision, and audiology.

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Products and Services:-

Synchrony offers the following services to its customers-

  • Consumer financing products like
    • Credit Cards
    • Promotional financing and loyalty programs,
    • Installment lending.
    • FDIC insured savings products




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