How to contact Ticketmaster


Based in Beverly Hills, California, is an American ticket sales and distribution company that provides customers with quick and secure real-time access 24-hours daily to a wide range of tickets for music, theatre, performing arts, sports, and attractions.

Through exclusive partnerships with thousands of venues, artists, sports leagues, arts and theatre tours, the company drives over 480 million ticket transactions per year. It is the global market leader in event ticketing and one of the world’s top five e-commerce sites, with almost 27 million monthly unique visitors. Being the leading marketplace for the most iconic live events covering Sport, Music, Arts and Theatre, it ensures quality and fair business practices for the live event ticketing industry.


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Products and Services:-

Ticketmaster offers the following services to its customers-

  • Ticketing technology
  • Ticket sales
  • Ticket resales
  • Marketing
  • Distribution of event tickets and information
  • Support for venue renovation



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