United Health Care


United Health Care is an American health care company which is ranked fifth on the Fortune 500 list for being one of the largest revenue earning corporations. It was established by Richard T. Burke in the year 1977. This agency is headquartered in Minnetonka, United States. Dave Wichmann is the Chairman of this company. The organization is a unified whole of 270,000 employees and earns revenue of US$ 201,1 billion.

A large number of employees are hired by the association for the purpose of expansion and diversification of the business. The main purpose of this federation is to provide health care and personal care services along with the insurance facility. This company focuses on improving as well as protecting the medical health care of thousands of people every year by providing them with excellent services and world-class facilities. The United Health Care is the exclusive provider of numerous healthcare plans and options which is being provided by the set of professional health experts and specialists who will enlighten you with the detailed information regarding your health and nutrition levels. The organization has funding of around $ 1.8 million for lobbying activities. United Health Care is considered one of the fastest growing healthcare service providers all around the globe.

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Products and Services-

United Health Care offers the following services to its customers-

  • Uniprise
  • Health Care Services
  • Specialized Care Services
  • Ingenix


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