How to contact Whirlpool


This American multinational company is the world’s leader in providing with the best home appliances with the best in sales and technology. Whirlpool has their brands that serve customers all over the world with great customer insights to suit their lifestyle needs by designing the electrical appliances accordingly.  This company has always been on the lookout for new opportunities for delivering their innovation that exceeds boundaries for every new product range and their services. Whirlpool makes purposeful innovations to make consumers life easier. As the world is on a constant change for new challenges and opportunities, this company meets every such demand by being at the forefront of development and completely dedicated to innovation.
The company cares about the community where they work and serve. Being a global company they are deeply committed in taking utmost care of the neighborhoods and the planet. The appliances are designed so as to reduce the amount of water and energy, designing zero waste landfill manufacturing plants, using solar and wind to power their facilities. They do so as they feel it to be a corporate responsibility to conserve the resources of the earth. This strong purpose of the company behind everything they do helps to keep its customers, products and services focused on improving lives.

Table of Contents

Products and Services :-

Whirlpool offers the following services to its customers-

  • Refrigerators
  • Laundry
  • Kitchen
  • Air Conditioning
  • Purification
  • Accessories
  • Commercial Appliances


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