How to contact ADP


This paragraph is supposed to describe ADP’s history, the services they offer and so on.

Automatic Data Processing, Inc. is one of America’s foremost payroll processing businesses. It was founded in the year 1949 by Henry Taub alongside his brother Joe Taub, with the initial name of Automatic Payrolls, Inc, but was changed to their current name, Automatic Data Processing Inc, in 1957. In 1961, ADP went public with the company, and had more than 125 employees and a client base of more than 300, and a whopping revenue of approximately US $400,000.

Being largely successful with almost all their ventures, the now reputed company thought of expanding, and acquired the services of the famous online computer services company, Time Sharing Limited in 1974, and also the whole of the company of Cyphernetics in 1975. After the year 1985, ADP became one of the foremost businesses of the country, with a stunning annual earning that crossed the $1 billion line easily and paid about 20% of the total US working population.

ADP is easily regarded as one of the finest payroll processing companies in the US, and offer their wide, varied and different services to a lot of firms and individuals. They have a simply massive workforce, all of whom work day and night to improve the company.


Products and Services:-

ADP offers the following to customers-

  • Broadridge Financial Solutions
  • CDK Global, LLC
  • The Marcus Buckingham Company






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