How to contact Comcast Xfinity


With the advent of easily affordable and mass-marketed high-speed internet services spreading to even the developing countries, streaming services have gradually begun to overtake TV in the mainstream entertainment stream. So it is no wonder that a major telecommunication and cable service company like Comcast would not have its fair share in the game. However, it did not build into a standalone streaming service like Netflix, but instead rebranded its already existing ‘triple play’ plans under the name Xfinity in February 2010. The Xfinity is therefore an umbrella term for various services that covers digital cable TV (Xfinity TV), digital voice services (Xfinity Voice), and Comcast’s renowned cable internet connection services (Xfinity Internet). As a whole package, Xfinity is the perfect service to avail if you have a current-gen digital smart TV, as Comcast features in-built Netflix access out of the box with some of their plans. Comcast’s internet services are one of the major go-to’s in many US states, with as much as 70% or even more coverage in six major States, including Washington, Illinois, and Utah. As concluded by a July 2018 polling, Comcast has over 26 million subscribers to their high-speed internet connection, servicing well over 40% of the market.

Products and Services :-

Comcast Xfinity offers the following services to its customers-

  • Comcast Internet
  • Xfinity WiFi
  • Data cap
  • Network management and peering
  • Cellular Service


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